Monday, March 16, 2009

AIG Bounus

"Under these circumstances, it's hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay,"

My President at the white house

I like most taxpayers, am outraged at the thought of paying bonuses to people who have cost us hard earned money. As an employee of a publicly traded company I find it difficult to believe that anyone at AIG would be able to claim a bonus this year, or next for that matter. I cant believe that a retention bonus would be paid to anyone who lost a company so much money, let alone the bad press.
Who would invest in such a company? I would think only a moron, or perhaps the US government...

Lets own up to this one, we (all Americans) now own this company.

How are we going to get past the fear of allowing these firms to fail?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"The government may have eliminated the term enemy combatant but it is still claiming the authority to detain people far beyond the traditional norms of humanitarian law,"

attorney Devon Chaffee of the group Human Rights First

What have we (as Americans) come to?
How do we live in a country that embodies the ideals of freedom, and allow our fellow citizens of the world to be unjustly imprisoned?

I was here for September 11, 2001, I remember, I will not forget. I lost a friend at the Pentagon. I get it.

But why this?

Americans fought a war for independence against an imperial state that did not provide the basic freedoms that we are now denying others. Imagine if your ancestor was imprisoned without trial by the British during the Revolution? You would have a great story to tell and your heart would swell with pride when telling the tale. What do you think has been happening at Guantanamo?

We are cultivating the seeds of extremism for the next 250 years right now.

I am sure most of the people being detained should be in detention, but we need to get smart. Use some rule of law to bring justice to them, if not ourlaws, theirs. Yes, why not use Islamic law to try these people. What have we got to loose at this point. We as a nation need to bring closure to our wounds without infecting the world with our hatred and spite.

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
If we deny others any of these, their moral high ground surly will be firmer than ours.